According to the BMJ:
“Neck Pain is a highly prevalent condition that leads to considerable pain, disability, and economic cost.
It not only constitutes a major personal burden but also affects families and the health system and economic structure.”
In referrals I receive from fellow Physiotherapists, GPs and Consultants, Neck pain comes second to Back Pain referrals but causes the same misery ,fear and worry.
Having severe neck pain in my early thirties lead me to change direction in my career and lead me to Pilates .
I started to really understand and know my body, its strengths and limitations.
Doing Pilates removed the fear of my neck pain as it released its grip, alleviated the fear and has enabled me to prevent and manage flare ups and this is when I started to teach Pilates , wanting others to manage their Neck Pain.
Some of the many things I’ve learnt about Neck Pain include:
When you have neck pain and it doesn’t ease-
👉See your GP for effective pain relief
Ask to be referred to a specialist for any scans that may be appropriate and to get your red flags checked.
See a musculoskeletal physiotherapist who will assess you in detail and continue to support you in your rehab and in any future flare ups
👉Recovery and management can take longer than you think it’s going to be and there is no quick fix.
👉Sometimes rehabilitation from neck pain doesn’t always involve moving your neck.
👉The basics principles of Pilates help build a tool box to help you relieve Neck Pain and balance out the muscles as they support and move your neck.
These include:
Breathing techniques
Coming out of your habitual postures
Understanding what support for the whole of your spine feels like
Feeling the connections in your body, neck to rest of spine, shoulder girdle , ribs and well the whole caboodle!
Feel confident in your movements as your Neck Pain dissipates.
🤩In this weeks’ live classes we’re tackling Neck Pain by:
🌟 Letting go of tension
🌟 Breathing deeply and in time with smooth movement sequences
🌟 Understanding the connections of the 7 vertebrae in your neck and the rest of your body
🌟Allowing space for pain to dissipate
🌞You’ll have to concentrate on YOU for a whole hour, imagine that?
😀 Flood your system with feel good vibes
😀 It will flow into your everyday activities, enabling you to move freely with grace and balance
🕰️ See you at 6.30pm today
🙌 If you miss it ,a recording will be waiting for you when you log in or use the app
👋 I’m Julia, the Physio in PhysioPilates.
I will help you reach the core of what you need to be strong with a healthy nod to your limitations.
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