To All my lovely members,
Thank you for :
Putting your trust in me to keep you strong and flexible.
Turning up for the Live Classes even when you're tired, busy, distracted.
Making me laugh with your anecdotes of how, when and where you're practising your Pilates.
Causing a riot with brushes, mops and window openers.
Sending me emails and whatsapp messages that make me laugh and cry.
Keeping me on my toes with your suggestions and requests.
This Membership would be nothing without you, it is all of you that have made this what it is and I'm ever thankful that you continue to be part of it.
Wishing you all a Calm, Loving Christmas
Julia xxxx
There are 10 new sessions in your on-demand library to keep you going in the break.
Short 10-15 minute sessions in all 3 levels so you can escape for some time for yourself and breathe, move, work hard, whatever you need!
They are in their own chapter in each of the levels, Step, Connect and Flow and are titled "Need some You-time over the holiday season?"
I know it can sometimes be challenging to give yourself the time you need , try to focus on how good you feel after and the essential support PhysioPilates brings to your activities and in keeping those flare ups , aches and pains at bay. Practicing Pilates regularly makes a wonderful positive change in your life so keep going and I'm here to help guide you along.
To use the on-demand library:
Log in at www.physiopilates.co.uk
OR: try the thinkific app ( this is the platform I use for all the videos and audios).
Go to the app store or wherever you choose your apps.
Search and download the 'thinkific' app (it's free).
Open it. Search:'physiopilates' . then log in with the email and password you use for your account.
It's very easy to navigate your way through and:
- choose a class
-catch up on the weekly class you may have missed
-alleviate your aching back, neck, knees, work on your core, do a session in sitting or just relax, breathe and stretch, it's all there for you.
Every session there has been planned and made for you, from your requests or from issues you may have or goals you are working on.
Log in , have a look around.