Explaining osteoarthritis well
Explaining osteoarthritis to anyone affected by this condition is essential to encouraging self management of symptoms and the information needs to be clear and accessible.
I have just read an article in this month’s Frontline, The Physiotherapy magazine about how a team from Keele university have designed a leaflet and animation that can be used by physios and health care practices to use as part of their toolkit when helping people manage this condition.
The team are keen to get feedback on how useful the resources they have created are for patients and professionals.
I scanned the QR code and watched the short video and thought it was clear, concise , positive and reassuring. It strengthens the message that there is a lot that people can do to manage their symptoms and condition and answers many frequently asked questions along the way.
I particularly liked how the animation used the phrase ‘there’s more wear than repair’.
And explained how symptoms can vary from person to person and day to day.
The narrative talks through joint creaks and crunches and how pain should guide you not stop you and all this with some just lovely animations, I loved it.
Knowing that support is there, re assurance and the positive message this animation puts across will help many people with osteoarthritis and its great that they are rolling out this animation into waiting rooms and in social media campaigns.
For more information and to download the animation : https://www.keele.health/osteoarthritis-resources/#osteoleaflet
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