🌈Which is your favourite colour?🌈
👋In this weeks’ live online classes👋
😀We’re using a spikey massage ball 😀
👉For Release
👉Foot Mobility
👉Shoulder Girdle Control
🤩 and of course
🤩Movement Joy
🕰️See you at 9.30am Monday and 6.30pm Monday and Tuesday 🕰️
👍And .. if you miss it..
👍It will be there waiting for you in the on demand library when you log in or use the app🙌
#feelyourstrengths #spikeball #massageball #align #bodycontrol #shoulder #back #backpainrelief #feet #footexercises #plantarfasciitis #sorefeet #soreback #soreknees #movement #movementjoy
👋In this weeks’ live online classes👋
😀We’re using a spikey massage ball 😀
👉For Release
👉Foot Mobility
👉Shoulder Girdle Control
🤩 and of course
🤩Movement Joy
🕰️See you at 9.30am Monday and 6.30pm Monday and Tuesday 🕰️
👍And .. if you miss it..
👍It will be there waiting for you in the on demand library when you log in or use the app🙌
#feelyourstrengths #spikeball #massageball #align #bodycontrol #shoulder #back #backpainrelief #feet #footexercises #plantarfasciitis #sorefeet #soreback #soreknees #movement #movementjoy